Monday, July 19, 2010

Wedding, messy dinner, dancing, bouncing, & mass....

As Erin has state in her blog, we went to Louisiana for my brother's wedding recently.  How awesome an experience that was!!!!  She posted pictures of our sweet child being bathed in the kitchen sink and other pictures as well.

One thing I have to post is a very short clip of my father, breakin' it down on the dance floor.  Unfortunately, I only have the last 5 or so seconds cause I didn't take my iPhone out in time.  But, for your viewing pleasure, here is my crazy father dancing!!  Keep in mind, he is completely blind and can't see a thing....

So we made it back to Houston and apparently had a fun filled week hanging out.  I absolutely love these photos of Gabriel eating some home-made baby food.  He is such a happy child!!!

How cute is he?!?!?! :)
It's so easy to make you laugh!!
This is my background on my phone at the moment

We are borrowing this toy from Matt and Lucy Coles and he finally got the hang of bouncing in it the other day.  Here are 2 videos of him doing that.  As you can tell on the videos, I got a huge kick out of him doing it!!!

Gabriel bouncing

Some more bouncing action!!!
We have a great group of friends at church.  This is a picture of some of them.  The two on the left are Betsy and Blaise Perryman.  Blaise is my Godson and I ask for your continued prayers for him as he has surgery on his stomach in August.  The two on the right are Kristin and Audrey Fontana.  Audrey is one of Gabriel's many girlfriends.  Erin and I have to keep a close watch on him with all of these girls around!
The church trio
In about a year, we will be chasing these 3 around :)

So, I downloaded a song recently that is very fun to dance to..."Drive it like you stole it." I know it doesn't send a good message (the title), but it's an instrumental done on a synthesizer. Anyway, Gabriel asked to dance to it so we did....

Dancing video 1

Dancing video 2

Dancing video 3

AAhhhhhhh, a week in the life of the Franco's.  We are just loving life and parenthood!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Snuggling and walks in the rain!!!

So, have I mentioned how much I love my son!!!  Gabriel just makes me so happy.  Last week, I got to snuggle with him on the recliner.  Then today, Erin and I decide to take a walk when the rain stops.  We didn't see the big nasty cloud until we turn the corner of the block.  That was when the sky decided to open and pour down some wonderful drops of water.  Erin and I began running.  She was pushing the stroller not made for running.  I raced home to open the garage door so she could just run right into some shelter.

After this experience, we decided to take some pictures to remember how fun this walk was.  All 3 of us were soaked.  Gabriel loved it!!!  Not once did he cry or whine--he is definitely a boy....a Franco boy!!!!

He actually laid down and snuggled
And I loved every minute of it!!
Mommy and Gabriel are soaked!
So is daddy!
In just a few months we will be covered in mud instead of rain!!
I don't think he knows what's going on--he just wanted to go back into the rain.