Sunday, January 24, 2010

The future of computers

This is somewhat a continuation of "Where will technology be in 2030" that I posted several days ago.

While I was looking at the pen computer video the other day, I stumbled upon this one.  It is taking computers to another level.  I won't ramble on so you can go watch this video.  Come back after you watch to read the rest...

Future of Computers

As computers get faster, smarter, and more complicated, so does other technology.  I was talking to someone the other day about how fast technology is moving and we were saying how eventually watching movies won't just be a 3D adventure.  Movies may become holographic images that include interaction at some points.  How cool would that be!!

Anyway, here is a link to view a holographic dancer at a concert.  Craziness!!!

Holographic Dancer

If you have any cool videos you want to share, please email the links:

I will post them in one multi-link post sometime this week.

Here is something to think about...With technology being where it is today and has been for the last 100 years, have we become increasingly less smart?  Were people who lived hundred of years before us and even thousands of years before us, smarter than we are today?  We rely on computers and programs for so much, are we exercising our brains as much as people in the past did?  I know we have a lot of smart people walking this Earth right now, but before the internet and media, was the average IQ of a country/continent higher?

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