We took him to his 2 month doctor's appointment (1 week early). Erin remembered to tell me about it, yesterday :) God bless her heart! Dr. Bellah told us last time that Gabriel would be getting his shots on our next visit there. Erin forgot about this! I kindly reminded her when she was on her way to the office.
I was a bit nervous about this myself because last time we were at the office, Gabriel cried like Erin was plucking him in the forehead over and over again :) I love you, Erin! But this time was different. He had some prayers and angels with him and he didn't cry but once. The only crying he did was when he was stuck 3 times in a row with needles. Our child is now safe from like 8 diseases :)
Today was not just shot day but a few tests of development. He's a Franco...he develops at his own pace :) Anyway, he is like 2 months ahead of schedule on rolling over. This little booger rolled over for the second time today at Dr. Bellah's!!! Dr. Bellah also stood him up and kind of held him there while Gabriel used his legs to hold himself up--strong leg muscles for sure!!! Doc was impressed. Gabriel also broke the 10 lb mark, weighing in at 10 lbs 4oz and a length of 21"!!! He is still in the 25 percentile for weight and like the 10 or 15th for length. He is a Franco...nothing will stop him from getting anything done!
So our little soldier is doing well!! Most of the people at my old job got to meet him today. He did really well despite being very hungry for lunch.
Until next time, ponder this: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Think about that for a second....ok, times up--a woodchuck CHUCKS WOOD!!!! Why is an "IF" in there?!?!

Well my readers...I actually have an answer to that age old question. The average wood a woodchucks in one day is 113 butt cords of wood. A median amount that can be chucked in one hour is 616 butt cords. The record high for a woodchuck chucking in one day was 2740 butt cords. This was done on June 15, 1996. (These numbers take into account that woodchucks don't chuck on February 2nd-- in observance of ground hog day)
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